In order to ensure that you can use this website with security, we establish our privacy policy for handling of private information as follows:
When we receive your private information, we will manage it in accordance with our rules. Immediately after the purpose of use has been achieved, we will immediately return or delete your private information.
In collecting you private information, we will indicate the purpose of use to you and will not use your private information for any purpose other than the specified one.
We respect your own right for your private information. If you ask us to disclose, correct, or delete your private information, we will comply with this request to a reasonable extent.
We will neither disclose nor submit your private information to any third party except for the case where we are obligated to disclose or supply your private information by a law, an ordinance, or the like, or you consent to such disclosure or submission.
The scope of "handling of private information" is limited to this website. We assume no responsibility for handling of private information at any other website linked to this website.
If you request any disclosure, correction, or deletion of your own private information after sending such information to us, we will comply with such request to a reasonable extent.
We will endeavor to maintain or improve our activity for the established protection of private information by making our officers and employees thoroughly aware of such activity and by continuously reviewing such activity.
We deeply understand the risks including but not limited to illegal access to private information and the loss, destruction, corruption, and leak of private information and takes reasonable security measures. If any of such problems should arise, we will immediately take remedial action.