
Professionals in electrical distribution and control taking top-notch technical expertise into the field anywhere in the world


Keeping ships, factories, office builings and
other vital infrastructure up and running “stably” and “safely”

Electrity is a form of energy that modern life cannot do without. But, it cannot be used safely without electrical distribution and
control systems and ensuring the stability and safety of those systems. Teratec is a general engineering company that deals with
electrical distribution and control problems in the field on a core of after-care services for equipment, plants and systems. And,
by “field”, we mean anywhere in the world.


Teratec engineers marine, building and industrial electrical plants and systems,
and keeps them running in tip-top shape throughout the full lifecycle of the equipment.


Teratec provides servicing and support for marine
and industrial electrical plants
and systems throughout the lifecycle of the equipment.


Teratec engineers plants
and systems from top to bottom
to meet customer requirements.


Teratec imparts a variety of training programs in electrical distribution,
control and monitoring systems for ship crew and shore-side supervisors.

TEAM TERASAKI Global Service Network

Our mission is to support vessels operating on the world's
oceans and the world's industrial infrastructure.

Please click on this text and take a look "TEAM TERASAKI Global Service Network" leaflet.

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